Alex Sidles Kayaking Trips
Alex Sidles Kayaking Trips
Alex Sidles Kayaking Trips

I’m an environmental lawyer from Seattle, Washington, where I live with my wife, Rachel, and our two children, Maya and Leon. I’ve been sea kayaking occasionally since 1996 and regularly since 2007.

Alex Sidles on the Brooks Peninsula, Kyuquot Sound, BC 8 June 2016.

Alex Sidles on the Brooks Peninsula, Kyuquot Sound, BC 8 June 2016.


On this sea kayaking website, I’ve tried to honor the original spirit of the World Wide Web: making stuff I think is cool, setting it out for others to discover.

In that spirit, you’ll find no advertisements here. No affiliate links. No donation button. No store. No social media. No likes. No comments. No feed. No subscription. No tracking. No chatbots. No generative AI. All you’ll find is good, old-fashioned, manmade, read-only Web 1.0.

You can email me at alexsidles@[a certain free email company whose name is a jubilant shout].com.