Alex Sidles Kayaking Trips
Alex Sidles Kayaking Trips
Alex Sidles Kayaking Trips

Photos of family day trips in Seattle over the years.

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26 January 2025

14 August 2024

15 June 2024

16 Decemember 2023

23 April 2023

25 February 2023

Maya breaking ice at Seattle Arboretum. The kids helpfully stomped the ice at the beach to create open water for our launch.


Leon breaking ice at Seattle Arboretum. In spite of his high boots, Leon still managed to soak his pants while charging through the water.


Grandpa John paddling Folbot. In a pinch, it's possible for a paddler to carry one kid in the Folbot, but I took both kids in the much larger Long Haul.

Maya and Leon smashing ice with paddle. The father we went, the thicker the ice got, until we reached a point where we had to back out and find another route.


Beaver-damaged cottonwood, Foster Island. Even under ordinary conditions, cottonwoods are prone to falling over at inopportune moments, so when you add a hungry beaver to the mix, watch out!


Killdeer, Foster Island. The killdeer would twitch their feet in the mud to detect prey, then dart with their bills.

Green-winged teal, Foster Island. Perhaps owing to the cold, the teal were more approachable today than they usually are.


Wood duck eating bread, Foster Island. Wood ducks used to be rare and shy in Seattle, but over the last twenty years, they have become abundant and bold.


26 November 2022

25 September 2022

23 July 2022

23 April 2022

26 February 2022

8 January 2022

30 October 2021

11 July 2021

17 April 2021

Grandpa John holding Leon while Alex loads the kayak.


Leon and Maya and mallards.


Maya watching for carp at Center for Urban Horticulture.


Leon trailing fingers from kayak.


Maya and Leon kayaking with geese.


Kayaking under wooden footbridge, Center for Urban Horticulture.


Paddling back to the launch at Belvoir Place.


Leon sleeping at Baban’s house after the trip.


28 February 2021

Leon, eleven months old, at home preparing for kayak trip. This would be Leon’s second time ever in a kayak.


Alex and Leon in kayak. We put Leon in a boat with me, Maya in a boat with Rachel.

Rachel and Maya in kayak. Having not enough bread to feed the ducks, we had to bring a bag of tortilla chips, which Maya discovered were also tasty for people.

Rachel and Maya feeding ducks. Today, we attracted mallards, wood ducks, and Canada geese.

Paddling under SR 520 bridge construction. Foster Island is a maze of urban and natural features, perfect for kayaking.


Leon approaching bridge. Leon loves being outdoors—so many interesting things to look at.


Leon and Alex approaching arboretum landing beach. When Leon grew a little fussy, I removed his life jacket to cheer him up.

Leon trailing fingers in the water. Leon was so excited to discover he could reach the water I had to squeeze him between my knees to keep him from diving headlong out of the boat.


Maya waving stick. There were some aggressive, hissy geese at the landing beach, but they were no match for Maya and her goose-chasing stick.


Grandpa John and Baban at landing beach, arboretum. My parents made a surprise visit to the arboretum just as we were taking off the water.


28 November 2020

Under the SR 520 bridge.


Canada geese and a floating construction bumper. The bumper was very difficult to cross in our kayak.

Maya and Baban having a snack at Baban’s house after the trip.


14 November 2020

16 August 2020

Feeding ducks at Squire’s Landing, Kenmore, WA.

Leon’s first-ever time in a kayak, Squire’s Landing, Sammamish River, WA 16 Aug 2020.


18 July 2020

5 July 2020

Maya in sunglasses, sun hat, waterproof shoes.


Kayaking under the pier at Shilshole Bay Marina.

Kayaking toward Salmon Bay railroad bridge.

With other boats, waiting to enter Ballard locks.

Entering the small lock at Ballard locks.

View of the small lock from the upper side, Salmon Bay.

Inside the small lock, being lowered to Shilshole Bay.


23 May 2020

In the morning, Maya announced she wanted to take a kayaking trip, but she wanted to go in the boat with mama, not dad. She wanted dad to stay ashore and watch the new baby, Leon.

Baby Leon slept on the dock while we loaded Rachel and Maya into the boat. In accordance with the posted notice, Leon did not engage in any diving or swimming.


Maya contemplates the water while Leon sleeps.


Rachel and Maya in the boat.

Leon and I stayed on the dock.

Leon and I stayed on the dock.


Mama mallard and babies.

Rachel and Maya paddle under a willow tree.

Maya rests her head in the kayak.

Rachel and Maya approaching dock.

Rachel and Maya approaching dock.

Maya helps carry the boat. We used the launch at Belvoir Place, because the more usual launches at the arboretum and UW dock were closed due to coronavirus restrictions.

Maya helps carry the boat. We used the launch at Belvoir Place, because the more usual launches at the arboretum and UW dock were closed due to coronavirus restrictions.


9 April 2020

First time in a “grown-up”-style life jacket.


At Green Lake, not our usual Lake Washington.


5 April 2020

Waiting for dad to load kayaks.


Listening to Baban read after the kayaking trip.


Climbing at Baban’s house after dropping off the kayaks.


16 November 2019

13 October 2019

Picnic at Foster Island


29 September 2019

Feeding ducks prior to launch


18 May 2019

23 March 2019

26 January 2019

29 July 2018

3 June 2018

Each time Maya gives the ducks bread, she says, "Quack, quack. Thank you, thank you." Such polite ducks they are!


Maya loved pointing out all the birds, trees, bridges, planes, and boats around Foster Island.


Maya keeps an eye on Rachel going under the 520 bridge.


I took Maya through the secret passage where I sometimes find Virginia rails, but there were no rails today.

What fun to trail ones fingers through the water. This is Maya’s first time doing this.

Maya spots a turtle sitting on a log.



27 May 2018

Maya’s first-ever kayaking